Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Q&A With Manhattanites Director Gregori J. Martin

Q: What inspired you to write this story about this group of Manhattanites?

GJM: Roger Newcomb inspired me! The radio show I was a part of for several years grew very close to my heart. It was a pleasure helping Roger turn his radio series into a feature film script and watching these characters come to life on screen!

Q: When you were writing the script, were you aware of any of the common threads or common themes?

GJM: Oh, very much so. With a couple of additional characters, the film is almost entirely based on the radio show!

Q: What is it about a film composed of many short stories, many vignettes that appeals to you?

GJM: Life isn’t only about one person’s story. Most of my scripts follow several characters lives. It’s just so much more interesting! The world doesn’t revolve around one person, despite what some people may think! (wink, wink)

Q: How did you find just the right balance of comedy and drama?

GJM: I’m not sure how Roger would answer this, but for me, I would say it was very simple. Life can be very comedic and very dramatic at the same time. I think we (Roger and I) have very different humor at times and that had a lot to do with creating a balance. It’s a very conversational piece. These characters are very New York. New Yorkers are naturally comedic and dramatic at the same time!

Q: What are your influences as a writer and filmmaker?

GJM: Growing up with three sisters, soaps were always playing on the television, and nothing else, so as a kid I grew up watching ALL MY CHILDREN, ONE LIFE TO LIVE, and SANTA BARBARA, later becoming a fan of ANOTHER WORLD and GENERAL HOSPITAL. As I got older, and had my own TV and VCR in my bedroom I became a big fan of Stephen King and Wes Craven and when I began to pursue a career as a writer/director my films/screenplays were all horrors or psychological thrillers. When Roger asked me to help turn his dramatic series into a feature it was a real pleasure. I tapped into my childhood memories and my soap upbringing came in handy! It really helped me help Roger create this screenplay. Anything dark in the film is totally me! For me, Kubrik, Friedkin, and Fincher, are very inspiring directors, though I can’t say they were in my mind much when directing this.

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